Palmer Mary, Author at Architect-Mat-Map Blog about popular architecture projects Fri, 23 Jun 2023 12:24:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Palmer Mary, Author at Architect-Mat-Map 32 32 La Mejor Manera de Felicitar a Arquitectos y Constructores por su Cumpleaños Fri, 23 Jun 2023 12:24:52 +0000 Felicitar a arquitectos y constructores por su cumpleaños es una forma especial de mostrarles tu aprecio y reconocimiento por su trabajo en la industria de…

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Felicitar a arquitectos y constructores por su cumpleaños es una forma especial de mostrarles tu aprecio y reconocimiento por su trabajo en la industria de la construcción. Estas personas desempeñan un papel crucial en la creación de hermosas estructuras y espacios que nos rodean. Ya sea que estén diseñando rascacielos impresionantes o construyendo viviendas para las comunidades locales, su contribución es invaluable. En este artículo, exploraremos la mejor manera de felicitar a arquitectos y constructores en su cumpleaños, brindándoles el reconocimiento que merecen.

¿Por qué es importante felicitar a arquitectos y constructores por su cumpleaños?

Es crucial entender la importancia de felicitar a arquitectos y constructores en su cumpleaños. Estos profesionales dedican su tiempo y esfuerzo a la creación de estructuras que mejoran nuestra calidad de vida. Al mostrarles tu aprecio en su día especial, les estás demostrando que valoras su trabajo y su contribución a la sociedad. Además, felicitarlos por su cumpleaños les brinda un impulso emocional y les permite sentirse reconocidos y motivados para seguir adelante con su labor.

La mejor manera de felicitar a arquitectos y constructores por su cumpleaños

He aquí algunas ideas creativas y significativas para desearles un feliz cumpleaños:

1. Envía una tarjeta de felicitación personalizada

Las tarjetas de felicitación son una forma clásica y efectiva de expresar tus deseos de cumpleaños. Sin embargo, para hacerlo aún más especial, considera personalizarla. Puedes agregar un mensaje escrito a mano que destaque la importancia de su trabajo y cómo ha dejado una huella positiva en la comunidad. Asegúrate de utilizar palabras que transmitan tu admiración y respeto por su labor.

2. Organiza una fiesta sorpresa

Una fiesta sorpresa es una excelente manera de celebrar el cumpleaños de un arquitecto o constructor. Reúne a sus amigos, colegas y seres queridos para compartir un momento agradable y reconocer sus logros. Considera decorar el lugar de la fiesta con elementos relacionados con la arquitectura y la construcción, como maquetas de edificios o herramientas de construcción en miniatura.

3. Regala un libro relacionado con arquitectura o construcción

Si estás buscando un regalo significativo y útil, considera obsequiar un libro relacionado con la arquitectura o la construcción. Hay una amplia variedad de opciones disponibles, desde libros de diseño arquitectónico hasta guías prácticas de construcción. Asegúrate de elegir un libro que se ajuste a los intereses y preferencias del arquitecto o constructor en cuestión.

4. Organiza una visita a una estructura emblemática

Una manera emocionante de felicitar a un arquitecto o constructor es organizar una visita a una estructura emblemática. Puedes planificar un recorrido por un edificio famoso en tu ciudad o incluso viajar a algún lugar especial. Esta experiencia no solo les permitirá disfrutar de la belleza arquitectónica, sino también aprender y encontrar inspiración en otros proyectos destacados.

5. Realiza una donación en su nombre

Si deseas hacer un gesto significativo en nombre del arquitecto o constructor, considera realizar una donación a una organización benéfica relacionada con la construcción o la arquitectura. Esto demuestra tu apoyo a su campo de trabajo y tu deseo de contribuir a causas importantes. Asegúrate de elegir una organización que esté alineada con los valores y objetivos del arquitecto o constructor.

6. Hazles un reconocimiento público

Otra manera de felicitar a arquitectos y constructores es brindarles un reconocimiento público por su trabajo destacado. Puedes escribir una publicación en redes sociales elogiando sus logros y compartiendo tu admiración hacia su labor. También puedes mencionarlos en tu blog o sitio web si estás involucrado en el ámbito de la arquitectura o la construcción. Esto les dará visibilidad y les ayudará a construir su reputación profesional.

LEER TAMBIÉN: club de niños y niñas

Preguntas frecuentes (FAQs)

1. ¿Cuál es el mejor regalo para un arquitecto o constructor en su cumpleaños?

El mejor regalo para un arquitecto o constructor en su cumpleaños depende de sus intereses y preferencias personales. Sin embargo, algunos regalos populares incluyen libros de arquitectura, herramientas de diseño o construcción, objetos de decoración inspirados en la arquitectura y experiencias relacionadas con la visita a estructuras emblemáticas.

2. ¿Cómo puedo hacer que mi felicitación sea más personalizada?

Para hacer que tu felicitación sea más personalizada, considera incluir detalles específicos sobre los logros y proyectos destacados del arquitecto o constructor. Puedes mencionar edificios o estructuras específicas que hayan diseñado o construido y resaltar su impacto en la comunidad. Además, utiliza un lenguaje cercano y expresiones genuinas de admiración y aprecio.

3. ¿Es importante reconocer el trabajo de arquitectos y constructores?

Sí, es muy importante reconocer el trabajo de arquitectos y constructores. Estos profesionales contribuyen significativamente a la creación de nuestro entorno construido y a mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. Al reconocer su trabajo, les brindamos el apoyo y la motivación necesarios para seguir generando impacto en la industria de la construcción.

4. ¿Cuál es el papel de los arquitectos y constructores en la sociedad?

Los arquitectos y constructores desempeñan un papel fundamental en la sociedad. Su trabajo consiste en diseñar y construir estructuras que cumplen funciones importantes, como viviendas, hospitales, escuelas y espacios públicos. Estos profesionales tienen la responsabilidad de crear entornos seguros, funcionales y estéticamente agradables para las personas.

5. ¿Cómo puedo mostrar mi aprecio hacia los arquitectos y constructores más allá de su cumpleaños?

Además de felicitarlos en su cumpleaños, puedes mostrar tu aprecio hacia los arquitectos y constructores de diversas maneras. Puedes apoyar su trabajo asistiendo a eventos o exposiciones relacionadas con la arquitectura y la construcción, compartir sus proyectos en redes sociales, recomendar sus servicios a otros y expresar tu gratitud cuando encuentres una estructura que admire.

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Merging Nature and Design the Beauty and Challenges of Biophilic Architecture Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:21:30 +0000 Biophilic architecture is a unique approach to design that seeks to merge nature and design, creating beautiful spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and also promote…

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Biophilic architecture is a unique approach to design that seeks to merge nature and design, creating beautiful spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and also promote well-being. By emphasizing the importance of connecting with nature in our lives, biophilic architecture helps us to feel more connected, relaxed and content in the buildings we inhabit. Despite its many benefits, there are a number of challenges associated with designing biophilic architecture, from finding the right materials and plants to overcoming technical and budgetary limitations. In this article, we explore these challenges and provide some tips for designing beautiful biophilic spaces.

Exploring the Concept of Biophilic Architecture

Biophilic architecture is a concept that explores the merging of nature and design to create aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and sustainable buildings. The idea behind biophilic architecture is to bring natural elements into the built environment without sacrificing the function or form of a building. This approach can be seen in everything from rooftop gardens to living walls to green roofs. By incorporating elements of nature into the design process, biophilic architecture helps us to feel more connected and relaxed in the spaces we inhabit.

Overcoming Challenges of Designing Biophilic Architecture

Designing biophilic architecture is not without its challenges. Finding the right materials and plants that are both aesthetically pleasing and suitable for the space can be difficult. Additionally, there are often technical limitations such as drainage requirements and weight limits that must be taken into account. Finally, there is the added challenge of finding a budget that will allow for the incorporation of natural elements and materials.

Tips for Designing Beautiful Biophilic Spaces

Despite the challenges, creating beautiful biophilic spaces is possible with careful planning and consideration. Here are some tips for designing stunning biophilic architecture:

1. Inc orporate nature into the design process from the start.

2. Incorporate natural materials such as wood, stone, and clay into the design.

3. Consider incorporating green roofs or living walls into the design.

4. Take advantage of natural light to create a pleasant atmosphere in your space.

5. Choose plants that suit the space and climate you have available.

6. Utilize elements of nature such as water features or outdoor seating to create a connection to the outdoors.

7. Invest in technology that can help reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Biophilic Architecture

By bringing nature into our daily lives, biophilic architecture can create healing spaces that promote physical and mental wellbeing.

Studies have shown that people who are exposed to nature on a regular basis experience improved physical and mental health. She can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity. As such, it is an invaluable approach to design that has the potential to make our buildings more pleasing and comfortable places to inhabit.

How Biophilic Design Supports Ecological Balance

As modern society increasingly moves away from the outdoors and into an ever-growing built environment, biophilic design offers a way to counterbalance human development with the natural environment. By emphasizing the integration of green space, organic materials, and natural light sources, she enables us to create vibrant living and working spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and ecologically sound.

Innovations in Biophilic Architecture

In recent years, innovations in biophilic architecture have been growing as more and more people become aware of the need to reconnect with nature. Biophilic architecture is a type of design that seeks to bridge the gap between the built environment and nature by incorporating elements of nature within it. This can be done in a variety of ways, from utilizing natural materials like wood and stone, to bringing plants into the design, to incorporating natural light sources. As technology continues to advance, there is a growing number of innovative biophilic architecture projects being undertaken throughout the world.

Overcoming Challenges in Implementing Biophilic Design

This type of architecture has become increasingly popular as it provides numerous benefits to occupants, such as reduced stress levels, improved well-being, and increased productivity. However, there are a few challenges that must be addressed in order to successfully implement biophilic design.


Biophilic architecture is an innovative approach to design that brings elements of nature into the modern built environment. By creating healing spaces that promote physical and mental wellbeing, biophilic architecture is an invaluable approach to sustainable design. Additionally, it serves as a tool to support ecological balance, as it enables us to create living and working spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and ecologically sound. With careful planning and consideration, biophilic architecture can overcome the challenges of design in order to create beautiful, sustainable spaces.

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Mira tower Sun, 16 Apr 2023 09:12:00 +0000 MIRA is an urban residential development in downtown San Francisco. A few blocks from the Bay Bridge, the Embarcadero and Rincon Park

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MIRA is an urban residential development in downtown San Francisco. A few blocks from the Bay Bridge, the Embarcadero and Rincon Park, the 400-foot-tall tower creates a new welcoming community in the emerging Transbay neighborhood and houses a wide range of units, 40 percent of which are designated below market rate.

The design responds to the need for dense development in San Francisco and offers new models of sustainability by reinterpreting the city’s architectural traditions. It develops the classic bay window, a familiar feature of early San Francisco homes, reinterpreting it in the context of a high-rise. Gradually winding their way up the tower, the bays offer sweeping views, natural light throughout the day and fresh air, and give the building its distinctive shape and texture – the result of a particular focus on the building’s energy performance and how it feels. By extending the living spaces inside and offering platforms from which to view the city from all angles, the bays make each residence a corner unit.

A sophisticated curtain wall façade system allows sections to be attached to a repeating structural slab from within the building, reducing the need for an on-site tower crane and limiting energy consumption and neighborhood impact during construction. The bays allow for a high-performance façade that is 51 percent opaque without obstructing nearly 180-degree views in each unit. The high-performance façade, along with an innovative VRF cooling system, allows the building to exceed the ambitious California Title 24 energy standards. This, along with a state-of-the-art graywater collection system, green roofs, and high-efficiency equipment, has awarded the project LEED Gold certification.

Residents will have access to a private restaurant, public spaces, meeting rooms, recreation areas, a fitness center, children’s playroom and a pet care area. Moreover, there will be an underground parking lot for 340 cars, charging stations for electric cars and bicycle parking. The ground floor will feature retail, a food court and small cafes.

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Diller Scofidio + Renfro wraps the US Olympic and Paralympic Museum in diamond scales Thu, 02 Mar 2023 09:07:00 +0000 The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum is a tribute to the Olympic and Paralympic movement, centered on Team USA athletes.

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The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum is a tribute to the Olympic and Paralympic movement, centered on Team USA athletes. The 60,000-square-foot building, designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Architect of Record Anderson Mason Dale Architects, includes 20,000 square feet of galleries, a state-of-the-art theater, event space and a café. Inspired by the energy and grace of Team USA’s athletes and the organization’s inclusive values, the building’s dynamic spiral shape allows visitors to descend through the galleries in one continuous path. This basic organizational structure allows the museum to be one of the most accessible museums in the world, ensuring that visitors with and without disabilities can seamlessly share the same overall experience.

The Square: The plaza with terraces is located in the center of the museum complex, surrounded by the museum building to the south and the café to the north. The plaza frames a postcard view of Pikes Peak and the Rocky Mountains beyond. With an integrated 230-seat amphitheater, the plaza can host outdoor events throughout the season, from winter to summer.

Atrium in the Level 1 lobby: A skylight illuminates the 40-foot-high atrium, and perforated fiberglass-reinforced plaster screens provide views from the lobby. Four balconies of varying heights overlooking the atrium reorient visitors in this central space as they move through the galleries.

Level 1, 2, 3 galleries: DS+R designed 20,000 square feet of gallery space in the form of overlapping petals that wrap around a central atrium. Skylights in the seams between these petals provide soft daylight emanating from the central atrium space, ending in vertical windows around the building’s perimeter. This lighting strategy simultaneously serves as an orientation, guiding visitors back to the atrium and positioning them along a trajectory moving through the galleries, which feature immersive interactive exhibitions designed by Gallagher Associates.

Level 1 Theater: The 2000 square foot theater can seat 130 people. Two rows of seats can be removed to accommodate a maximum of 26 wheelchairs, allowing the entire Paralympic hockey team to sit together.

Tier 2 Event Space: The 1,300-square-foot event space has panoramic views from downtown Colorado Springs to the Rocky Mountains. The space can also open up to an adjacent 500 sq. ft. outdoor terrace. Café and Education Room: A 2800 sq. ft. café with an additional 400 sq. ft. outdoor dining area. The café’s landscaped roof showcases native plantings that reflect the changing seasons.

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Eden multi-storey residential building Mon, 14 Nov 2022 08:58:00 +0000 How to combine the benefits of a country house in a garden and the convenience of living in a metropolis? That was the question Heatherwick Studio architects asked themselves

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How to combine the benefits of a country house in a garden and the convenience of living in a metropolis? That was the question Heatherwick Studio architects asked themselves when they designed the multi-storey EDEN residential building in the historic district of Singapore. As a result they deviated from the usual methods of construction of high-rise buildings made of glass and steel and proposed a completely different, innovative concept. What is the place of the vertical gardening of the facades in this concept? Why did the architects make extensive use of concrete in the construction of the building? And why is the EDEN façade in some way dynamic?

Vertical landscaping is increasingly being used not only in interiors, but also on the facades of buildings, including high-rise buildings. This is especially true in modern architecture in Singapore, where green facades in a tropical climate help create a comfortable microclimate inside the buildings, in addition to their aesthetic function. This approach is used not only in the construction of small buildings, but also in high-rise buildings, such as the Oasia Hotel Downtown. Late last year, Heatherwick Studio’s multi-storey EDEN residential building appeared in Singapore, which many call a “vertical garden”. This is exactly the effect the architects wanted to achieve.

At the foot of the building a tropical garden is planted and, according to the idea of the architects, the vertical gardening of the facades of the EDEN becomes a visual continuation of this vegetation. The green facades consist of 20 species of plants, which will grow over time, and the appearance of the building will constantly change. “The design of the building is inspired by the image of a sapling that has taken root right below the streets of the city. In this way, the architecture elevates the landscape of urban gardens into the sky, forming an original vertical garden,” Heatherwick Studio noted.

The multi-storey EDEN residential building has a height of 104.5 meters. The tower has a total of 20 residential floors, with each floor occupying a separate apartment. The basis of each floor is a Y-shaped plan: in the center there is a large open space, and individual rooms with balconies radiate from it. The first residential floor is 27 meters above the ground, thanks to which the EDEN has an impressive lobby with a high ceiling. This was done so that the garden at the foot of the building does not obstruct the view from the windows.

This original layout and the green facades are not all features of the tower. Concrete played an important role in the construction of the EDEN. Firstly, the material keeps the interior cool. Second, the concrete blocks, because of their texture, have important symbolic meaning. Heatherwick Studio sought to give the walls of the building a unique shape. Therefore they created special moulds for casting the concrete blocks, taking into account the peculiarities of the topography of Singapore. As a result, the panels were not smooth – their surfaces are a kind of topographical map of the area. But flat polished concrete was also used in construction. With its help the balconies were able to give smooth organic forms.

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Presence in Hormuz Tue, 05 Apr 2022 08:32:00 +0000 Hormuz used to be famous for its port, located at the strategic location of the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf in southern Iran.

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Hormuz used to be famous for its port, located at the strategic location of the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf in southern Iran. The port is now used for oil shipments from the Middle East. The island’s nature is rich with unusual, surreal landscapes. Unfortunately, the people of this beautiful, conveniently located island in terms of tourism and political issues live in a constant struggle for economic stability, mired in illegal transportation using local boats. Presence in Hormuz is a series of urban developments implemented by a local civic organization to provide additional opportunities for the local community.

Presence in Hormuz is more of a trust and interaction building project than a residential development. Through it the authorities are trying to encourage people’s participation in local urban planning, to take into account their interests in everything. Architecturally, the project takes the form of numerous small domed houses built in an unusual clay technique. The technique was invented by local resident Nader Halili who decided to use pressed earth and sand to build the houses. In general, it is a good solution: domed structures are characteristic of the region, and the small size is convenient because it is not difficult for local craftsmen and low-skilled workers to build several such houses.

Architecture has the ability to be a mediator in the golden mean, which integrates the interests of different groups, from the state and investors to different classes and groups of people. Majara does this by bringing together landowners from the neighboring port of Bandar Abbas, who organize the annual Ormuz lend-art drive, investors from the capital Tehran, and local Ormuz residents as partners in the project.

In an economically unstable sanctions environment, increasing GDP generates social change, which this project achieves by:

  1. Economic construction for the benefit of the client.
  2. allocating a large part of the budget for labor costs, and not for expensive imported materials, for the benefit of the local population, expanding its capabilities, offering training in construction skills.
  3. Adaptive and forward-looking space scenario, which can respond to unprecedented needs for the benefit of the client and the island.

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Bamboo Hostels Thu, 17 Mar 2022 08:28:00 +0000 In the three years from 2011 to 2014, China used more concrete for construction than the United States did in the entire twentieth century.

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In the three years from 2011 to 2014, China used more concrete for construction than the United States did in the entire twentieth century. Much of the population that used to live in houses made of natural materials has moved into concrete boxes, a trend that has been observed all over the world. Three simple hostel constructions show how natural materials can be used in a modern way: the project pays homage to the beauty of natural materials. The use of non-standardized local materials will allow urban and rural areas to become more diverse, stimulate the market economy through job creation and help preserve the ecosystem.

The structures are structured around a core made of stones and compacted earth. The main facilities and staircase are located there, and a Chinese lantern-style dormitory module is attached nearby. The interior rooms are braided with an outer frame made of bamboo. The power supply system of the complex is based on direct and archaic sources of energy, such as fire and sun, wind and plants.

The bamboo weaving and earth tamping techniques used are very labor-intensive, requiring a high level of skill from local craftsmen, but retain much of the financial benefit within the community. By the way, one of the traditional occupations of the local population is the molding of ceramic vessels. They are what inspired the creators to choose this form of structures. Overall, this project shows the value of creating eco-friendly structures and revealing the beauty of authentic natural materials.

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The Erlang Liquor Storehouse of Langjiu Estate Tue, 11 Jan 2022 08:23:00 +0000 The Langjiu Liquor Warehouse is located in Erlan Town, Gulin County, Sichuan Province. The town of Erlan, on the banks of the Chishui River

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The Langjiu Liquor Warehouse is located in Erlan Town, Gulin County, Sichuan Province. The town of Erlan, on the banks of the Chishui River, is the birthplace of Langjiu, one of the most prestigious baijiu liquors in China. In 2009, the liquor producers began building a world-class complex consisting of a liquor factory and a storage facility. The warehouse was the first building built on the site of the future complex. Technically, the facility is an industrial facility, as it stores distilled liquor in traditional clay containers. Nevertheless, the first project within the complex is more than just industrial premises.

The creators of the building believe that the environment should be considered in the design. The storage facility is built in a valley that has several levels of elevation. In order to smooth out the differences, the architects carefully distributed the functions of the rooms on the levels and adapted them to the existing landscape as much as possible.
The architects expressed in the exterior of the building the traditional oriental culture and the culture of beverage creation, using terracotta bricks in the decoration. They symbolize the connection between beverage and clay containers, as the same material is used for both. The earthy colors and pattern of the façade also emphasize the seclusion and tranquility of the vault, and if you know and look closely, you can see traditional architectural elements characteristic of the region in certain parts.

The creators saw the building not only as a vault, but also as a place to visit for a unique experience. That’s why they built a trail that connects the main elements of the vault and loops throughout the entire area of the future complex. To play with the height differences, it was decided to make an elevated promenade, to install an observation elevator and escalator, and to add terraces along the main path: this turned out to be a walking route for visitors, allowing them to observe the complex without interfering with important parts.

The part of the building that undoubtedly attracts attention is the so-called Giant Jug. It took 150,000 bricks of terra cotta to build. The walls of the pitcher, pierced with holes, and a light window allow fresh air to flow freely into the building, creating ideal microbiological conditions for liquor storage and maintaining a safe concentration of alcoholic vapor in the room.

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Qishe Courtyard Wed, 15 Sep 2021 08:15:00 +0000 The restored complex is located in the old district of Beijing. It is a small shiheyuan (a type of traditional Chinese building) with three courtyards.

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The restored complex is located in the old district of Beijing. It is a small shiheyuan (a type of traditional Chinese building) with three courtyards. It was named Qishe (Qi means “seven” in Chinese and she means “house”) because its number is 7. In addition, the complex originally consisted of seven buildings with an authentic tile roof.

Before the restoration, the Xiheyuan was dilapidated and in a state of disrepair. The supporting wooden beams and some of the arches of the doorways were relatively well preserved, but most of the roofs, walls, doors and windows were badly damaged or missing. In addition, additional structures had been built in each of the three courtyards many years ago. And after they were demolished, the courtyards were left in a sad state: there was a huge amount of construction debris overgrown with weeds.

In working on the project, the architects set themselves two tasks: to restore the old and neatly integrate the new. On the one hand, the designers cleaned up the houses, repaired important structures, and reinforced the main elements, preserving the style of the traditional Xiehyuan. On the other hand, new rooms were added, such as a bathroom, kitchen and garage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and a veranda was added to the complex. The old and new were merged to make the house comfortable to live in, even with increasing demands for comfort.

The architects have added a veranda, a basic element of the old Chinese school of architecture, to the complex, thus connecting all seven individual houses. The veranda serves as a circular route, gives a new form to the traditional spiral patterns, and allows for a relaxed stroll within the house and enjoy the views.

The philosophy of combining old and new was also reflected in the materials used in the construction. The creators kept the textures of traditional materials, adding new ones where appropriate, to preserve traces of time and show the contrast between old and new. For example, they left the original sections of pine wood, traditional to Xiehyuan, and simply replaced the damaged parts.

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Microlibrary Warak Kayu Fri, 06 Aug 2021 08:17:00 +0000 Warak Kayu MicroLibrary is the fifth project in the MicroLibrary series, an initiative to increase interest in reading in a number of low-income neighborhoods.

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Warak Kayu MicroLibrary is the fifth project in the MicroLibrary series, an initiative to increase interest in reading in a number of low-income neighborhoods. They decided to instill a love of books through the creation of multifunctional community centers with eco-friendly design and materials. The project was a collaboration between the local community, private sector and government – the city of Semarang received the building as a gift from the foundation. Admission to the library is free, and the entire complex, in collaboration with the government, is managed by a local charity.

After going through a large number of design proposals, the concept with a separate building standing on an elevated site was deemed the most successful. It pays homage to Indonesia’s traditional houses on stilts. It functions not only as a library, it replaces a full-fledged community center, and in addition, it promotes the use of local wood and labor.

There is an outside area under the building that can be used for workshops, film screenings, and wooden swings for children. The area is surrounded by boxed flowerbeds, creating a secluded atmosphere. And in the building itself, there is a library upstairs, part of which is made in the form of a grid, on which children and adults can lie down, relax, read, and even chat with those below. To make the library a popular place, we had to make it multifunctional, because reading in its pure form is not yet too popular in Indonesia.

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